sincère 愈疗

So Close - Ólafur Arnalds


《小镇疑云》片尾曲,因为感到有特色,所以推荐。本以为是一首纯音钢琴曲,先是被前奏吸引,后来竟被震撼,歌者是这首音乐的创作者,一首能让耳朵留下深刻记忆的音乐,不可多得的OST作品。世界是如此安静,黑暗在降临,充满迷幻,空灵,飘渺的感受,动人心魄,但要极力挣脱,真理是存在的。喜欢Ólafur Arnalds这首如梦如幻,有着悬疑色彩的音乐,仿若催眠的深沉梦境,直达心灵最深处,似乎可以感受到疑云迭起的剧情,有想看这部剧的冲动。

冰岛小王子Ólafur Arnalds为热播英剧《小镇疑云》创作的精彩配乐被英国影视艺术学院奖(BAFTA)提名,并获得了2014年度电视原声音乐奖。

《So Close》歌词: 

Through dark and light I fight to be

So close, shadows and lies mask you from me

So close, bath my skin the darkness within

So close, the war of our lives no one can win

A miss piece I yearn to find

So close, please clear the anguish from my mind

So close, but when the truth of you comes clear

So close, I wish my life had never come here

So close


Through dark and light I fight to be

So close, shadows and lies mask you from me

